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PELANGI FORUM 2023: Infinite Competency “Coding Connecting Happiness”


One of the interesting seminars organised under the PELANGI FORUM 2023: Infinite Competency was ‘Coding Connecting Happiness’. Held on 25 November 2023 at Town In Town Hotel, Bangkok, the coding seminar attracted interests and was participated by many early childhood educators who are enthusiastic to apply the coding to their teaching approaches in a bid to develop children’s seven competencies.

The seminar was led by Dr. Khattiyada Chaiyo – a scholar in early childhood development, together with the speakers from Kidbuak Publishing House under Pelangi Publishing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. who shared their experience and knowledge in increasing coding skills through the set of coding storybooks under the five concepts of sequencing, Boolean Operators, abstraction, decomposition and algorithms. Then the seminar became less tense with fun art and music activities joined by the participants.



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